Saturday 25 June 2011

Peter Falk

Yes, Peter Falk (Columbo), who sadly passed away Thursday, was quite an avid artist.

His expertise seems to lie with life drawing, which he compliments with colour very effectively. The weight of line and dark-light balance is especially well done. I really was surprised; I had no idea he was an artist on the side of being such a brilliant actor.

Oh, and just one more thing.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Early Morning Doodles

This is what listening to Boards of Canada (if you're interested, it was 15B from the unreleased set) does for you in the early hours of the morning.

Ryan Andrews

Ryan Andrews is an American illustrator and artist, whose main claim to fame lies with the comic/sequential art he produces.

It appears that Andrews uses ink washes to add tone to his work, occasionally alternating in hue to add importance to the subject; for example, in 'Our Blood Stained Roof', the colour red is used liberally.

There is a theme of growing up/moving on in his sequential work. Whilst the subject itself is outlandish and frankly surreal, it acts as a launching pad for exposition of the characters, and the metaphor of changing, leaving the past behind.

You can catch all this and more at

And before you ask about lack of pictures, I'm not too sure if I could do that, copyright and all. Sorry.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Caretaker: An Empty Bliss Beyond this World

Something a bit different this time around. I have just stumbled upon this beautiful collection of ballroom/soft jazz music, by composer James Leyland Kirby. An amnesiac, Kirby seems to have created this nostalgic feel about the music, sounding almost as if it was remembered in small, distorted fragments, leaving us with a very unsettling, yet very soothing soundscape.

In layman's terms, it sounds very Bioshock/Fallout.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


The beating of a million drums,
 The fire of a million guns,
The mother of a million sons,

Friday 17 June 2011

Uno Moralez

Uno Moralez (aka Indi) is quite an obscure illustrator who specializes in pixel art. The work he produces is beyond unsettling, and seems to take some inspiration from Japanese horror, mainly films such as Uzumaki. A large majority of the work produced is monochromatic, which I think works out so much better than a piece filled with colour (you will see what I mean); it gives the pieces a feeling of a crude, seedy section of illustration, the soft underbelly, if you will.

Some of his work is NSFW (and I'm not sure I could plaster boobs all over my blog) so I'll put one or two of his tamer works here, and leave the link down there.

Have fun.

Dear Photograph...

We'll kick this whole thing off with a blog which I have to say, works on an interesting concept; old photographs are held up in front of the scene as it is today.

There is something so heartbreakingly nostalgic about the content of this page, almost like a time machine, taking who must be the photographer, back many years, when half the troubles our species faces today, were thankfully non-existent.

Will I be submitting to this site? Maybe. I'll have to sift through some old photos. If I ever get round to it, I'll let you guys know.

An introduction.

Hello there. If you are at all familiar with my other blog, this is what I would consider a more sensible one... you know, because this one won't have pictures of furries, or links to 1980's dating videos (maybe). Over the course of this Summer this blog will be a source for reviews, links, my own work, and other interesting little things I find along the way.