Tuesday 10 January 2012

Little White Lies: DRIVE

Hello chaps, and a happy new year to you all! I know,  I know, it's been a while... I just haven't really had any work I wanted to show you recently.

Until now, anyway.

We were asked to pick one of five films that Little White Lies selected as the best films of 2011, and one of which was Drive. This film... WOW... so 80s. I've got a lot of love for this film; the soundtrack, the casting, the cinematography, everything. Top notch

So here we have Ryan Gosling as the titular driver (whose name is never revealed, he's just called 'The Driver'), on a very retro, tacky LA-esque backdrop. I don't want to overly gush over this work, because, well, I don't want to seem big-headed, but this is one of the best pieces I've done in quite a while.

In other news, I also did this, after I had a HUGE marathon of films one day during the holidays, one of which being Tron Legacy... not a bad film... the plot is AWFUL, but the soundtrack and visuals are a thing of beauty. Seriously. Daft Punk, man...
Anyway, this is a character I've been developing for a side project I work on when I'm not doing uni work. Yes, she is a fox. Betcha didn't see that coming.

Anyway, I'll be around. Until next time (probably in a year's time, knowing me), farewell. *steps back into the shadows*