Sunday 10 July 2011

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

This arrived at my door this morning.

And I know what you're thinking; "Why did you get a kiddie's scary story book?" Well I can justify this, honest!
The illustrations are by an artist named Stephen Gammell, who has illustrated children's books since the 70s, and since this publication in 1981, has gained a cult following for the surreal and quite unsettling images within.
The book itself is standard scary story material, some of which have cues for the reader to follow (for example, stamp feet or scream at a certain part). These stories are derived from common campfire tales, for example, the tale named "Alligators" was sourced from a book written by Vance Randolph, after an old lady had told him the story in Missouri in 1939.
Now let's have a look at the illustrative work.

From what I gather from the illustrations, Gammell uses referencing a lot, to the point where it looks horrifyingly realistic, as seen above. I believe that Gammell doesn't use ink either, that this is all done with pencil; the grainy quality of the pictures is enough evidence of that, although this could just be due to the way it was printed.
In any case, I am sure I could learn a lot from this illustrator; basically that referencing is gold; if you try and make things up along the way it could all go wrong. Well with any luck I will be out either tomorrow or the day after; I'll get a load of reportage done then.

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