Saturday 23 July 2011

Tom Hodge aka The Dude Designs

Tom Hodge is a British illustrator/designer, whose area of expertise lies with movie posters, an art, which unfortunately, is becoming more obsolete with the advent of digital art.

Hodge hopes to bring back the charm that comes with hand drawn/painted movie posters, some examples being the Blade Runner or Indiana Jones posters (leaving out Crystal Skull of course). The movies which Hodge provides posters for appear to be of similar genre to one another; a sort of Grindhouse drive-in style of movie. I would go as far as to say the movies he's provided posters for are in a similar vein to some of Quentin Tarantino's, or Robert Rodriguez's (in some cases both) movies.

As seen above, Hodge's work oozes exploitation cinema, with the seemingly organic feel to it, rather than pixel perfect Photoshopping. This appeals to me especially as an exploitation movie fan, as in terms of poster design, I feel that the digital age has made it all too easy. Sure, it's efficient, and with some movies it comes as standard; take, for example, Inception. The mood and themes of that movie would require a clean, smooth and high resolution poster to compliment them. Exploitation movies don't have that problem.

Also, a quick update. I unfortunately haven't gotten much work done this week; the whole trip up to Preston ended on a sour note and I've been in a mood to end all moods. I'll try and get some more work up here in the coming days and a bit more to compensate the dead air that's been lingering over this blog for the past few days.

Until then, farewell.

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