Monday 6 August 2012


I just thought I'd upload a few snippets of what I'm working on at the moment. I'll be gradually uploading it all over the next few weeks plus other stuff, like reviews, various lovely websites and artists I happen to find, works of my own, etc.

This is part of a Summer project we were set, in which we chose a theme from a list, and had to produce 20 images over the break relating to it. After an absurd amount of time, I finally decided to do this one, going by the theme "PLAY". What I do is, stick my iTunes on shuffle for 20 tracks, and draw something relevant to each, but I only have the time the track is playing to do so. I will then work them all up later on, with no particular time limit, although anything over a day is just mad. I figure this will allow me to hone my skills with editorial design, which is one of the better projects I did last year, so I should probably stick to my guns, but also not be afraid to branch out.

Anyway, here it is. The track that was playing when I was sketching the rough was Justice - Stress (Auto Remix).

The scenario pictured was going to be part of a graphic novel I've got gathering dust, mainly due to the length of it. It's almost as long as Watchmen, something I'm never going to do in the space of, say, 5 years. I may revisit it from time to time, see if there's anything I can do with it.

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