Thursday 23 August 2012

PLAY 2: Weird Japanese Panda Song

Evening all. Back with another entry from 'PLAY', and I daresay it's fairly mysterious this time round.
My iTunes went to a rather cold, dark corner of my library when shuffling, as it began to play a track I forgot I had. It has no artist, no album, and is just called "Japanese Panda Song". I seem to recall getting it, when I asked what the soundtrack was to a video on Youtube. I was told it was from a 'Japanese baby advert' and was given the MP3. It sounds fairly dated, so I imagine it would be from, perhaps, the 70s, maybe even further back. I suppose I could upload the MP3 to, I dunno, Soundcloud or something... I'll post the link when I get round to it.

The track itself constantly utters the word "panda", and that isn't a shoddy translation on my part or anything, it's in there. The second half of the track is instrumental, and features a flute. For this particular piece, I imagined said flute player was, indeed, a panda. He hit a rough patch once royalties dried up, and now spends his time playing in sake bars in downtown Tokyo.

Expect more of 'PLAY' to be uploaded in due time, plus a personal project which involves extensive character design, which I'll probably upload once I've got it printed out for real (it's a long banner).

Until our paths cross again, farewell.

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