Friday 26 August 2011


Went to town yesterday, with aspirations of sketching some of the skyline. I ended up finding a pretty good vantage point on top of a car park, where I ended up with the above sketch.

Today I figured it didn't have much life to it, so I added some colour via Photoshop.

Considering I usually HATE drawing buildings, I have to say, this turned out pretty well. As always, feedback is welcome; after looking back on some of the stuff I did last year, I think I severely need to improve... I actually cringe...

More to come in the following days. It might also interest you to know that I actually got back into writing the graphic novel I started about this time last year and just left it to gather dust. Filling in plot holes is NOT FUN.

I'll see you around.

Oh, and have this that I found on the post-it wall in the Arndale.

What a guy. :)

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