Wednesday 31 August 2011


Dan Hipp is an American illustrator, who seems to take a lot of inspiration from main icons of nerd culture, such as comic book heroes like Batman, and videogames. Hipp has previously (and on some cases still does) worked with DC comics and WIRED magazine; the vibrant colours and exaggerated features of his work are evidence of this.

Hipp has published numerous works, including comics, and an art book, 'MISTER HIPP STRIKES!', most of which is currently sold out. Shame.

I personally really admire Hipp's work, being a shameless nerd myself. Whilst it's all well and good to see icons such as Daft Punk (above) utilized in such a gorgeous way, it doesn't offer much in the way of originality. It is just fan-art when you get right down to it.
However, Hipp has produced original work, which makes up for this, despite a vast majority of his work seeming to be using existing characters/concepts.

Overall? I think there is more than a lot of potential in his work, it has a fairly universal appeal to it, which when you are talking about, say, advertising or editorial work, is very important.

And how are things going on my end? I've been tied up with a few things recently, in the build-up to going back to uni in 2 weeks. I have a few ideas of what I can produce for this blog next, one of which ties in with my graphic novel, the very same I have left for nearly a full year.
Something in the back of my brain keeps telling me I should probably start writing a smaller one. To write and illustrate this is more than a one-year job; it's massive.

What do you guys reckon? As always, thanks for stopping by, and feedback is more than welcomed. I can't hope to get better without you lovely people, can I? ;)


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