Friday 5 August 2011

Strong Children Japan (and a small update)

I was just linked to this blog, which I have to say, was quite moving.

The blog, entitled Strong Children Japan, is an artistic response to children and teenagers who were local to the Tohoku area when the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster occurred in March of this year.
Children as young as 1 are portrayed in these images, which are presented in a childlike way, despite the facial detail being quite mature, if that makes sense. According to the blog's author, the pieces were either directed by children, then designed by an artist, or designed by the children themselves.

Along with these paintings, are messages by the children, which, if various translation algorithms serve me correctly, are the children's wishes and actions relating to 'green energy', i.e, solar panels.

Despite being on the other side of the world, I was affected by the disaster a lot, having a love for the Japanese culture, and having met a lot of Japanese people in the past, who were some of the nicest people I've ever met.
I know people are still struggling to cope with this horrific disaster, and it's going to take quite a while for things to return back to normal. Hang in there, guys.

As for the small update mentioned in the title, I have to apologize.
What for? Well... I've had no inspiration or motivation, whatsoever, to get work done for this blog. I'm going through what must be the worst mood swings ever. I know it sounds terribly unprofessional, but even machines need a break every now and again, you know?

I was experimenting with various inks etc. the other day, and came up with this... interesting page.
If you needed a visual representation of how I feel right now, here it is.
Again, I apologize greatly, and will be back on track very shortly.

Oh, and I also want to get into music production... not abandoning my work, hell no. I figure it'd be just a pastime.

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