Wednesday 14 September 2011

Back at Uni

Hello everyone. Sorry about the lack of updates recently, as I've been running round like a headless chicken, getting things packed for uni, actually moving to the new house, sorting out student finance... blaaarrgh.

To (partially) make up for the absence, I'll post two things I started before all this, and had finished today.
About 2 weeks ago, I had seen this quote on, I think, a separate blog (it's totally lost on me now), and what better way to visually represent such a quote as using Tetris pieces? I was going to go the whole hog and have a pixelated version of the Kremlin in the background, but ultimately opted out.

The next, not-so-professional piece was inspired by a random note I had scribbled whilst doing reportage a week or two ago, which in turn was inspired by a drunken tirade a few weeks before. It uses the panda characters I had developed for the animation project (which, by the way, I am trying to upload to this site. 'Try' being the key word there). This also proves that I should NEVER write with the graphics tablet again.

Much, MUCH better work on the way. I promise. I officially start again tomorrow, so I'll be kept very busy indeed. ^^

Until next time, farewell.

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