Thursday 8 September 2011


Ugh... I feel so sick right now. I think I might have some kind of cold, but not the conventional kind. I think it might be an allergic reaction to dust or dust mites, because it cropped up a few days ago whilst cleaning my room, looking for things to take to uni.

Because of this, I unfortunately haven't been able to do much work, although let me reassure you that I am working on stuff, just very slowly.

I may have mentioned a messageboard named b3ta a few posts back. Well this week, the challenge is 'tea'. Here's a little something I entered.

It's a bit rough round the edges, but gets the point across nicely, I find. While I'm here, I'd like to share some art by French artist and web designer Arian Noveir.

What Noveir has done in this series, simply entitled 'Super-Heros', is he seems to have used ink splats with the help of templates to create these very abstract and dynamic portraits of super heroes such as Batman (above). Noveir has clearly gone into this project, knowing exactly what he wants the outcome to look like, as despite the overall wild nature of the work, there is a varying degree of control, tones, etc.

I'll pop the link here so you can see the other pieces. As for me, I'm going to try and shake this cold/allergic reaction/whatever off, and get back to you, hopefully with some more work.
Until then, farewell.

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