Sunday 27 May 2012

Issues and Beliefs

The first project we were tasked with last year, 'Issues and Beliefs', was, in a number of ways, a game changer for me, as it was the start of a whole new artistic pursuit of mine; cut-outs.

The aim of the project was to take an issue that we have a personal connection to, and produce advertisement material, whether it be posters, flyers, etc., to make the public more aware of the issue.

At the start, I was juggling three possible ideas; fox hunting, the fur trade and nuclear war. Of course, something like nuclear war can't be stopped with a poster, unfortunately, and fox hunting has seen a massive decline in recent years, despite some illegal hunts carrying on. Taking all this into account, I figured the fur trade was the best bet.
A very grim and difficult topic to research indeed; I don't think I've ever been more ashamed to be a part of the human race, after reading what goes on in fur farms in full grisly detail.

I believe that if you feel very strongly about a cause, that if you can get that emotional investment in a project, you can generate some very unique results. The three pieces above are for slipping onto coat hangers, thanking consumers for buying from an establishment that is against the fur trade. I was quite pleased to discover that virtually nowhere in Preston, not even charity shops (which is where I decided these hangers will go), will accept any fur. One or two would accept leather, but all in all, leather is a by-product of meat, and, well, that's a whole other tin of worms.

These hangers were well received, which I was rather grateful for. This new way of working with cut-outs and such is something I feel I can get my teeth into,  and maybe merge it with other skills and techniques, such as ink washes, digital work and just plain drawing.

I will be gradually uploading more and more of the previous year's work over the next week or so, whilst I get the Summer project on the go. I would like very much to do some traveling for this project, maybe just hop on a train to somewhere, and document my journey and what I do when I get there.

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