Saturday 3 September 2011

Reportage in Manchester

The plan?

-Find a coffee shop filled with trendy student/businessmen types.

-Stick iPod on shuffle.

-Start drawing surrounding elements, pausing briefly to take notes of lyrics, stories, etc.

I have a few more things planned from that day, which I will get started as soon as possible, as well as trying to get stuff packed for uni... I don't leave for another week and few days, but I should probably get a start on it now, huh? It's gonna be great this year, for many reasons; one, I have it pretty much drilled into me as to how I should work in uni (I was being way too methodical about it; planning too much... or too little), two, I'm living with people I actually LIKE, and not a bunch of stoners like last year :S and three? I guess I'm more used to the whole experience now.

Oh, and I'm paying much less for digs this year. Halls cost a FORTUNE for what is pretty much a caravan inside a cold empty prison block. Like Wales and Strangeways combined.

Okay, I've rambled on for long enough, but stick around, I'll have some more work coming through in the next few days, including something I sketched up whilst in town... the above piece includes more than one clue.


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